Smart Forest

A prototype of a SmartForest solution (ForEco) was developed. It has the functionality of a Smart Forest Ecological Management System which provides ecosystem services to a large number of customers: NGOs, government organizations, municipalities, companies in agriculture and forest economy sector, green economy companies, farmers, research organizations, etc. ForEco is a Decision Support System integrating a set of models that support adaptive management of forest ecosystems to achieve their sustainable development and operation as a natural resource. These ecosystem services are based on a large quantity of open data from different international initiatives for satellite data exploitation (e.g. GEO; GEOSS; Copernicus) to support decision-making processes. A number of water and carbon cycle models and forest models for simulating the agricultures influence will be developed, adapted, and used, such as: Agrarian Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, Models of the Plant Cover and Forest Growth Models. Open Data from specific sensor measurements will be used for providing information for the incident solar radiation and the absorbed photosynthetic active radiation, for the net primary production and CO2 utilization, for nitrogen content in the leaves, for humidity in the soil and the fluorescent signal from the photosynthesis activity. Such data will be based on: combination of different satellite and airborne observations, experimental ecosystem  models, in-situ photometric measurements. ForEco exploits the results of the FP7 ELLIOT Project and four EC COST Program actions.