Self-Assessment Tool For SMEs (SAT)

The SAT ( is a self-assessment system based on a questionnaire containing questions organized into economic and organizational categories that, based on expert judgment, determine the profile of the test enterprise, and in particular in this case, its ability to introduce or create innovations and innovative products, services or other type of innovation. After completing the questionnaire, based on a mathematical mechanism / multi-criteria analysis /, the system determines the capabilities of the company, indicating in percentage the capabilities of the company in each category of questions and form a summary final assessment. Thus, the company can see where its strengths are and where it needs to make additional efforts to be more successful in creating or implementing innovations. The prototype was developed under a software development consultancy for Internet-based decision-making support system for the creation of innovative clusters for project “SME Innovation Capacity Boost”, SMEInnoBoost, co-financed by the European Program „Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020”