
HealthyW8 project: Virtech summarized the EU gathered stakeholder’s input on how to tackle obesity

Virtech together with Regional Cluster North-East organised the 2nd participatory workshops under the HealthyW8 project aimed to gather valuable stakeholder’s feedback on the most voted intervention strategies and digital tools aimed to address various obesity related issues. The goal of HealthyW8 is to improve the efficacy of obesity prevention initiatives across Europe by developing a […]

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IoT, Smart City (Smart X)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel est velit. Nam dictum magna in eleifend vestibulum. Pellentesque at augue erat. Donec convallis posuere lacus id ultricies. Duis ut congue risus. Nulla vestibulum tempor mauris. Integer elementum felis in metus maximus sodales. Praesent aliquet varius ipsum sed fermentum. Ut quis velit sit amet neque

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H2020 AI4EU

H2020 AI4EU A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem, MED-AI solution, In the frames of the AI4EU project the MED-AI solution is an early prototype which might be substantially extended in terms of functionality towards a full-fledged platform and a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) according to the E-AI Challenge of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire

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H2020 BOWI

H2020 BOWI ( “Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs”. Virtech developed the AgeWare solution (“Active and Healthy Ageing by using Advanced IoT-enabled SoftWare Solutions”) and took part in development of two other solutions: BULCHARGE “Innovative EV-charging solutions in Bulgaria” and  RWHL “Body Hydration Monitor”. AgeWare is a Smart Energy and Active and Healthy Aging solution in

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Simulation, BIM, Digital Twin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel est velit. Nam dictum magna in eleifend vestibulum. Pellentesque at augue erat. Donec convallis posuere lacus id ultricies. Duis ut congue risus. Nulla vestibulum tempor mauris. Integer elementum felis in metus maximus sodales. Praesent aliquet varius ipsum sed fermentum. Ut quis velit sit amet neque

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Smart Wellbeing & Health

The service will concentrate on a Homecare model, but it will be very much related to informal care and social support networks, community and social care and hospital care. It aims at developing a model of personalized e-health/wellbeing and smart home services for elderly people. Smart health home-based services will be used for prevention of

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Smart Home

The Smart Home service aims at building an integrated solution to provide smart home and wellbeing services based on a cross-domain data space, which will be further opened for other users as well. The main challenges are: interoperability of the technology solutions, secure and trustful data sharing, appropriate user-experience design of the mobile apps, etc.

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Software Development

The company provides also  competences and experience in: smart sensors, cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) services; large systems with million lines of code and large databases over 100 Mio records; AI and ML solutions, smartphone and tablet applications; modelling, digital repositories (text, images, video) implementation and enrichment with semantic-based innovative services like personalisation,

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