TARGET “Transformative, Adaptive, Responsive and enGaging EnvironmenT” (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/231717). The TARGET environment consists of a learning process supported by the TARGET platform, consisting of a main core of a serious game. TARGET integrates five developments: a) Threshold Concepts, resembling knowledge gateways that transform a person’s understanding of a knowledge domain b) Knowledge Ecology, defines knowledge as a “living organism” c) Cognitive Load Theory, a learner’s attention and working memory is limited, therefore learning processes must be designed to allow effective internalization without overload d) Learning Communities, where members of a community develop their competences by leveraging the experience of their peers e) Experience Management, to allow learners to accumulate lessons learned through real and theoretical situations.The TARGET aims will be realized through the following specific objectives: a) Conceptual Framework, the conceptual blueprint of TARGET b) Knowledge model, how the game scenarios, concept thresholds, and competences are related c) TARGET Learning Process, supported by a pedagogical framework d) TARGET Platform, of which the core is the Virtual Business Environment e) Pedagogical Agents, available to assume unfilled roles within a game scenario f) TARGET Communities, four sustainable communities revolving around the TARGET environment g) HRM Integration, integration of TARGET within an organization h) Evaluation Framework, for assessing a learner’s competence development.