HealthyW8 project: Virtech gathered valuable stakeholder’s input on how to tackle obesity

Virtech together with Regional Cluster North-East organised participatory workshops under the HealthyW8 project aimed to gather valuable stakeholder's feedback on how to address various obesity related issues.

The goal of HealthyW8 is to improve the efficacy of obesity prevention initiatives across Europe by developing a digital-based healthy lifestyle recommender system that tailors interventions to individual needs and preferences. The project brings together a consortium of 24 public and private partners among the most prestigious institutions in Europe and will draw on transdisciplinary research to increase the impact of current and future obesity prevention interventions and policies in the EU.

The workshop was split into two parts, addressing the two major approaches:

  • Morning workshop focused on co-creation of intervention strategies for obesity prevention and stimulation of a healthy lifestyle
  • Afternoon workshop focused on co-design of technological tools for obesity prevention and stimulation of a healthy lifestyle
The Objectives of the event were to engage the stakeholders (citizens, teachers, parents, health professionals, policy makers, etc.) in highly participatory debate, consultation and co-design activities, to integrate all stakeholders’ visions, needs and desires and to set in inclusive mechanisms for sharing knowledge, building common understanding and co-create solutions to promote a healthy lifestyle.
Voting for the most innovative ideas
Dr. Alexander Chikalanov presents technical solutions

In the morning workshop the participants shared their experiences related to eating habits and behaviors, difficulties in adopting eating habits and behaviors for a healthy lifestyle and needs to overcome those difficulties. Major focus were potential strategies at political, social, healthcare and individual level.

The afternoon workshop was dedicated to the technical solutions and participants shared their experience in using digital tools (mobile app, web app, recommender system, etc.) that help in leading a healthy lifestyle (app for physical activity, healthy food, dietary and weight management, etc.), the difficulties encountered in using these digital tools and benefits coming from them. Three existing technical solutions were presented to the stakeholders.

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